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Square & Cube Numbers

Square & Cube Numbers


  • Square number : 0,1,4,9...
  • Cube number : 0,1,8,27...

Problem type 1

The students of a class arranged a picnic. Each student contributed as many rupees as the number of students in the class. If the total contribution is Rs 2500, find total number of student in that class.

Let the number of students in the class be "n".
Therefore, contribution by each student is Rs n×n=n2n \times n = n^2 .

According to question, n2n^2 = 2500

    n2\implies n^2 = 2500

    n=2500\implies n = \sqrt{2500}

    n=50×50\implies n = \sqrt{50 \times 50}

    n\implies n = 50.